Common statements
Statements for institutional use
The Canadian Reproducibility Network supports responsible research evaluation, transparency in research, and appropriate incentives to promote open research. We have developed statements that can be developed and used by institutions and organisations. These common statements are intended to encourage uptake and promote a degree of interoperability across these institutions and organisations. We welcome suggestions for how these statements could be modified.
Transparency in Research
Commit to transparency and rigour in research across all disciplines.
Transparency in Research
A Policy Statement and associated guidance on responsible research assessment.
Transparency in Research
Commit to a research culture that promotes and rewards open research practices.
How to use the common statements
Insert your institution name as indicated, and share the common statements throughout your institution. We suggest having these statements visible on your institution website.
For example, here is the Responsible Research Evaluation policy statement, as adopted and promoted by the University of Bristol.
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